Introduction - II

Rishis have grappled with problems and saw truth in their pure inner selves as a result of their constant and hard meditation. They found the truth in their inner selves and proved to be the whole truth.They spoke out what they experienced and taught the same to their disciples and later wrote these truth down came to be called 'Rishidarshana Kila'.

Strength of will, wisdom and action

Our great sages are not those who sat in some remote caves or on tops of mountains forgetting the world of men. They led the most active life. Their five senses, body, mind and spirit were always awake and active. They were long before sun rise and began their days activities. They were engaged in tapas or deep thinking and all the activities had realisation of the ultimate truth and the welfare of the world as their objective.

Self Study, Teaching the students, performing yagas and yajnas, going on pilgrimages, taking part in the discussion in learned assemblies, helping people in their need, counselling, preaching dharma, i.e what is good for peaceful and contented life, relieving people from their troubles and many other duties. One can go making lists of their activities, but there is not end to it.

In a nutshell they did everything to make life on earth worth living. They were kind and considerate and ever active. Laziness and escape from work were conspicuous by their absence in their life. Students of today should never forget that the life of the rishis were active and ever useful. They have to derive inspiration from active life of our ancient rishis. The golden principles to successful life are to be found in their lives. We can achieve personal and social development if we follow those principles of good life. Never forget for a minute that a rishis life was the confluence of the forces of his good desire, great wisdom and constructive activities. Firm resolve, necessary knowledge to achieve the objectives and matching activities are the greatest needs of the day.