Markandeya 7

He also gave a detailed account of the life to be in Kaliyuga and this shows us the sage's ability to forseefuture events. His description of the incarnation of Kalki is another instance to prove this point.He got himself initiated to Shiva Sahasranama by Nachiketa. His compositions Skandanama Sankeerthana and SriKrishnamahima are examples to show the depth of knowledge he had of Lord Hari and Hara and all the devathas. Hetold the story of the killing of Tripurasura and made blind Dhritarashtra realise that non-righteousness, ignoranceand failure to renounce all sensuous delights would never help anyone to reach heights of greatness.

Sage Markandeya was always with the Pandavas whenever they were in troubles. He was their well-wisher on all such occasions.we know that Maya built a great courtall for the Pandavas when the Pandavas went to have a look at the divinehall, Sage Markandeya was with them. We also know that Bhishma was lying on a bed of arrows at the end of theMahabharatha war expecting an auspicious moment to begin his journey to heaven. At that time Yudhishtira wasinstructed by Sri Krishna to seek advice from Bhishma. Bhishma was happy to advice Yudhishtira on Varna dharmaand ashrama darma. Sage Markandeya was present on that occasion. He was present when Bhishma cast away his mortalbody.

When the Pandavas finally decided to go to heaven (Mahaprasthana) sage Markandeya was present as Yudhishtiradesired to workship him and get his blessings. The sage obliged and he gave darshan to the Pandavas. This greatsage followed the Pandavas throughout and supported them and gave them advice at every stage of their life. Itshows the greatness of his personality.

The incident in which he conquered death by devotion was really thrilling. His life is a great book for all ofus to understand that he should never be dump-driven cattle or cowardly, thinking that our fate decides ourfuture and we should act in the living present "heart with in and God overhead"

God has given us great strength therefore never be lazy, have great faith in God, use your manly strength indoing your duty, but leave the rest to God. In this way one can solve the most difficult problem and sageMarkandeya's life is an example to prove this truth.

The story of sage Markandeya rests fully on dharma, infusing confidence in those who listen to it, creatingin them a great sense of respect for the sage. We look up to our great Maharishis with a sense of pride. To an enquiring knowledge, devotion, freedom from passions and move in the direction of leading a venerable life.It is also a great motivating factor to make us ardent lovers of Bharatha, all the time engaging ourselvesin acquiring knowledge. Let us all hope that Sage Markandeya's life and his great qualities instil in us a greatdesire and strength to live a model life like his and make our ancient land Bharatha a great country.

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